As a supply chain management major, 您将学习基本的概念和工具,使有关采购知情和负责任的决定, inventory control, warehousing and distribution, and the dynamic system that supply chain represents. 供应链专业的学生知道如何对供应链系统的不同组成部分进行建模,并学习如何使用供应链技术来增强系统. 他们通过学习生产和操作流程来了解和管理系统的枢纽. The Supply Chain Management major is the only Science, Technology, Engineering, 和数学(STEM)设计专业的商学院. 我们成功地将我们的毕业生安置在重视和奖励他们的供应链管理专业知识的组织中.

Background Information

AACSB International, The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, 认证乐虎电子商学院的本科和研究生课程. 商学院是北达科他州仅有的两所经认证的商学院之一.

AACSB国际是高等教育最负盛名和最严格的认证机构之一, 强调学术卓越和持续改进的承诺. 全球只有不到10%的商业项目获得了这一认证.

The Program

商科学生学习的核心课程涵盖了企业的所有功能领域, from marketing to management and accounting. 供应链管理课程建立在这个基础上,帮助学生了解供应链影响全球经济的方式. Courses cover integrate supply chain management, managing inventory and materials, supplier and customer relations, international supply chain management, scheduling in supply chain management, and more. 该专业为你提供了一个电子作品集来记录你的工作,可以在求职过程中使用. 你的任务可能是使用模拟来为一个特定的供应链建模,或者是在一个真实的供应链组织中基于问题的经验. In addition to a thorough knowledge of the supply chain, you’ll learn problem-solving competencies, teamwork, effective written and oral communication competencies, how to manage your career, and both management and leadership competencies.


供应链管理专业的学生可以加入供应链学生组织. 这个学生组织带来了行业演讲者,也为学生提供了一个建立网络的机会. In addition, 有很多机会在供应链管理领域找到实习机会,并参加供应链组织的实地考察.

Selective Admission

希望在新大学习供应链管理的学生在大一第一学期在商学院注册供应链管理预专业. 供应链管理预科专业的学生在修完入学要求的预科课程后申请进入本专业, including ENGL 120, COMM 110, MATH 144, ECON 201 or 202, and PSYC 111 or SOC 110. 有适当课程的转学生也可以申请.

该专业的录取是基于成功完成专业预科课程要求和最低累积平均绩点(GPA) 2.50.

The Minor

Working in conjunction, the College of Business, the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, and the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics offer a minor in Supply Chain Management. Companies directly involved with distribution, manufacturing, 运输以及零售和批发行业的公司越来越依赖于有效和高效的物流系统来保持竞争力. In addition, 公共部门还利用具有物流和供应链管理技能的个人. Minimum GPA requirements apply to this minor. 物流管理领域的平均工资是77000美元.

The Faculty

以提供严谨及时的教育体验, 我们已经招募并吸引了高素质的教授供应链管理的教师. Dedicated to student learning, 我们的教师经常被学生和同事认可他们的教学卓越. 该学院采用多种教学技术,在供应链系统动力学和管理决策的研究方法方面被认为特别强大. 他们通过积极参与研究和不断协助组织识别和解决供应链挑战,在供应链管理的子领域保持当前状态.


鼓励供应链管理专业的学生完成三个学分的实习. 实习旨在让学生将在课堂上学到的供应链概念与实际商业情况联系起来,并使他们在就业方面具有竞争优势.

Career Opportunities

供应链管理专业的毕业生有机会进入商界, industry, government service, and the non-profit sector, both regionally and globally. 供应链管理专业的工作机会主要集中在制造业, in retail organizations, humanitarian organizations, in transportation firms, and large retail store distributions centers. 全国有数以千计的供应链管理毕业生的工作机会. Starting salaries range from $68,000 to $110,000.

The College

The College of Business also offers majors in accounting, business administration, management, marketing, management information systems, and global business (second major only), as well as Master of Business Administration, Master of Supply Chain Management, Master in Business Analytics, Master of Accountancy, and a PhD in Transportation and Supply Chain degrees.

High School Preparation

建议有兴趣在大学学习供应链管理的高中生至少通过微积分预科学习数学课程. 高中社会科学、英语和沟通方面的选修课也会有帮助. Please speak with a professional advisor for more information.

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